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Businesses and Partner Entities

These businesses and organizations are a few of the resources that help

Melissa Hall Garden Designs be successful. I love to share resources with others so they can benefit as well.

See more through by clicking the logo and see their sites

Rachel's Native Plants


I created many native plant landscape designs for Rachel Nelm's clients when I met her in 2023.


An exclusively native plant nursery, retailer and landscaper, she grows and sells plants you likely will not find elsewhere.

Lee Ann Obringer


Marketing Communications and Design


A multi-faceted designer of digital and print, Lee Ann designed my logo and a delightful rack card both which help me reach new customers everyday.


Extremely responsive and savvy, with decades of experience working with large institutions, she is adept with small businesses and a delight to work with.

Gulleys Garden Center

Retail Plant Nursery

Southern Pines, NC


I started the consulting and design part of my horticultural journey here years ago, working in the tree and shrub department. This multi-generational plant nursery just celebrated 50 years and is a beautiful place to visit and shop. All the plants are top-knotch.


I am fortunate to continue to design for their retail clients


79 West​

Co-Working Space

Pittsboro, NC


The location where I do most of my work, 79 West is more than a fabulous physical space to work in. I have found a friendly community and great resources around innovation and growing a business

Copyright 2024 Melissa Hall Garden Designs

All rights reserved

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Get in touch

Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm
​​Saturday & ​Sunday: Email anytime

910 225-4690

NC Department of Agriculture

Pesticide license: 026-39110

Ornamental & Turf /Aquatics 

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